Page 57 - 881828_Be Happy cwiczenia_kl3
P. 57

A family trip               Lesson 2

            1.  Przeczytaj zdania i ponumeruj je zgodnie z kolejnością występowania
                w historyjce.

                 I’m hot and I’ve got a headache.

                 There is an old theatre in our town.

                 I like this bakery because there are healthy sandwiches.

                 My house is my favourite place!

                 I want to be a firefighter.

                 Let’s go for a walk together.

            2. Przeczytaj zdania, wpisz właściwe wyrazy i połącz zdania z obrazkami.

                Excuse me, where                         the bakery? Here it is.

                Excuse me, where                      the zoos? Here they are.

                Excuse me,                              are the police stations?

                Here they are.

                                                    , where is the old theatre?

                Here it is.

                Where are the supermarkets?                                            .

                Where is the greengrocer’s?                                             .

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