Page 86 - 881828_Be Happy cwiczenia_kl3
P. 86


            1.  Podpisz obrazki właściwymi wyrażeniami.

            2. Przeczytaj fragmenty zdań. Połącz początek zdania z jego zakończeniem.

                There is a Christmas tree!                         stockings in the living room
                Let’s make                                         and decorate my house with

                                                                   fairy lights.
                My mum is in the kitchen

                because she always bakes                           and grandpa because they live
                                                                   in the mountains.
                They love music. They want
                to play                                            ornaments and decorate it.

                We send Christmas cards                            and put them under the tree.

                and presents to our grandma
                                                                   a Christmas cake and
                On Christmas Day I hang                            gingerbread men.

                You can wrap presents for                          the guitar and sing carols

                your brother                                       together.

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