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P. 63

3. Look and read. Answer the questions.

             My name is Frank and I’m from                      My  name  is  Sean and I’m  from
             Aberdeen, but sometimes I visit London.            Sunbury,  but  sometimes  I  visit  my
             I’m excited when I’m in London because             family in Melbourne. My favourite

             I love the Tube! There are double-                 place is the Rooftop Cinema – you
             -decker buses, black taxis and Buckingham          can stay outside and watch films
             Palace guards with big black hats and              there. Melbourne is my favourite city
             red uniforms.                                      in Australia.

               1.  Is Frank from London                      4.  Who has got family
                  in the UK?                                    in Melbourne?
               2.  Is Sean from Sunbury                      5.  Where can you find double-decker
                  in Australia?                                 buses?
               3. Who is excited?                            6.  What is Sean’s favourite place
                                                                in Melbourne??

            4. Look and listen.                                                     English        +

                                      Greengrocer`s          Fruit and Vegetable
                                                          Grand Parade
                                        York Place

                                                                                      Art Gallery
                                          Trafalgar Street           Swimming  The Church and Museum

                                                                          Church Street

                          Railway Station                                     Theatre
                                                                                    North Street

                                                                         Tower         Brighton
                                                         Queen`s Road

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