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P. 83

3. Look and read. Answer the questions.

              My name is Nathan and in this photo               My name is Andrea and in this
              I’m 8 years old. I am on holiday                  photo, I’m 9 years old. I am in New
              in Tatra National Park with my dad.               Zealand with my mum. You can’t
              There are mountains with stones,                  see my mother because she is
              streams with pebbles and forests with             taking the picture. You can see
              cones here. My dad is standing on                 the sea, the beach and a hill.
              a big stone and holding my hand.                  I’m collecting shells and pebbles
              He’s looking at the lake. There is sand           in the sand because there isn’t any
              and there are stones but there aren’t             amber and there aren’t any starfish.
              any shells because it isn’t a sea.                I’m wearing summer clothes because
              My dad is wearing a coat, trousers                the weather is warm and sunny.

              and boots because the weather                     I’m not wearing shoes because
              is cool and windy. I’m wearing warm               I’m sitting in the sand.
              clothes, too.

                                                               4.  Why is Andrea wearing summer
                1.  Where is Nathan?                               clothes?
                2.  Why is Andrea collecting shells            5.  Why is Nathan’s dad wearing
                   and pebbles?                                    a coat?

                3. What is Nathan’s dad doing?
                                                               6. What is Andrea’s mum doing?

            4. Look and listen.                                                     English        +

                    hedgehog                   deer              The Major Oak            Robin Hood

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