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P. 89

Maths Day

            1. Listen and read. Ask and answer.

                  thirty                   forty                    fifty                    sixty

                        seventy                        eighty                        ninety

                     one hundred                   twenty-two                      fifty-eight

            2. Read and say.

                My dad has got                                               In my bedroom, there
                20 big and 60 small                                          are teddy bears in the
                sticking plasters.
                                                                             In one box there are
                 How many plasters            The artist makes small         6 teddy bears.
                 has he got?                  pet sculptures in her          I’ve got six boxes.

                                              garage.                        How many teddy
                                              There are 40 dogs and          bears have I got?
                                              33 cats sculptures.
                                              How many sculptures
                                              are there in the garage?

   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94