Page 11 - 881828_Be Happy cwiczenia_kl3
P. 11

Lesson 5

            1.  Posłuchaj nagrania i ponumeruj postacie.

             2. Popatrz na ilustrację i uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

                      toddler • teenager • the USA • adults • bored • are • seniors

                We                           the Browns, a family from                                      .

                My name is Heather. I’m 15. I’m tall and                                                    .

                My brother Luke is short and excited. He is a                                               .

                My little brother Kenny is 3 – he’s a happy                                                 .

                My grandma and grandpa are elegant. They are                                                .

                My mum and dad are thin and calm. They are                                                  .

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