Page 15 - 881828_Be Happy cwiczenia_kl3
P. 15

2. Uzupełnij tekst na podstawie rysunku i wskazówek.

                                       1. teenager, messy,

                                       2. adult, tall

                                       3. baby, quiet

                                       4. child, happy

                                       5. seniors, plump

                                       6. toddlers, excited

                We are the Sloans, a family from the UK.

                1. My name is Ben. I am  a teenager. I am messy.

                2. My mother is                                                                           .

                3. My brother                                                                             .

                4. My cousin                                                                              .

                5. My aunt and uncle are                                                                  .

                6. My sisters                                                                             .

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