Page 45 - 881828_Be Happy cwiczenia_kl3
P. 45

2. Uzupełnij tekst na podstawie wskazówek i rysunku.

                   1. Kheer, I, like sweet food.

                   2. chicken, shrimp, egg, in it

                   3. rice, water, a pot

                   4. milk

                   5. rice to milk, stir

                   6. sugar, stir

                   7. fry apples with sugar

            My name is Soni and I live in India.

            1. My favourite dish is                                because                                  .

            2. It’s very easy because there isn’t:                                                          .

            3. Put                                                                                         .

            4. Boil                                                                                        .

            5. Add                                                                                         .

            6. Add                                                                                         .

            7. You can                                                              and add them too.

            Put it in the fridge to cool. Enjoy!

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