Page 49 - 881828_Be Happy cwiczenia_kl3
P. 49

3. Uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy na podstawie ilustracji i połącz zdania, wpisując
                właściwe litery w okienka.

            1. My uncle is a                               . He                             people.

            2. My father is a                              . He                              meals.

            3. My aunt is a                                .  She                         children.

            4. Lucy wants to be an                          . She                       sculptures.

            5. My mother is a                                   . She                    criminals.

            6. My grandpa                               houses. He is a                              .

            7. My grandma                          food. She is a                                   .

                a. She is very brave.

                b. She has got some fruit and vegetables.

                c. He sometimes helps animals too.

                d. She can paint pictures too.

                e. He is in the kitchen.

                f. He is wearing trousers and a jacket.

                g. She is at school and she has got new books.

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