Page 51 - 881828_Be Happy cwiczenia_kl3
P. 51

Lesson 5

            1.  Posłuchaj nagrania i wpisz znak  lub  w odpowiednie okienko zgodnie
                z nagraniem. Połącz tabelki z wyrażeniami z właściwymi obrazkami.

              1.   fire engine                 2.    fire engine                 3.    fire engine

                   police car                        police car                        police car

                   uniform                           uniform                           uniform

                   vest                              vest                              vest

                   fire hose                         fire hose                         fire hose

                   badge                             badge                             badge

             2. Popatrz na ilustrację i uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

                                                              never  •  cousin  •  always

                                                           adult  •  sometimes  •  uniform

                                                                    teacher  •  teaches

                                                              help  •  Canada  •  elegant

                This is my                                 Sue. She is a

                from                            . She                             English.

                Her jacket is                              but it isn’t a                               .

                She                             works with teenagers in the morning –

                from Monday to Friday, and                                       in the afternoon,

                on Wednesday and Thursday. She                                          works at the

                weekends, because she meets her friends on Saturday and plays

                football on Sunday. When I’m an                                       , I want to be

                a teacher because I want to                                     children.

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