Page 71 - 881828_Be Happy cwiczenia_kl3
P. 71

Lesson 5

            1.  Posłuchaj nagrania i podkreśl właściwe wyrazy lub wyrażenia.
            1.  I’m wearing goggles / boots. I’m at the ice rink / in the forest. I’m riding

                a horse / doing gymnastics.

            2.  I’m at the ice rink / pitch. I’m skating / playing football. I’m wearing
                a T-shirt / a helmet.

            3.  I’m swimming / playing basketball. I’m at the swimming pool / pitch.
                I’m wearing skis / goggles.
            4.  I’m skiing / playing tennis. I’m at the ice rink / court.  I’ve got a racket

                / ice skates.
            5.  I’m at the ski slope / pitch. I’m playing volleyball / skiing. I’ve got skis

                / a volleyball.
            6.  I’m skating / doing gymnastics. I’ve got a ribbon / ice skates. I’m at the
                ice rink / gym.

             2. Popatrz na ilustrację. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je wyrazami z ramki.

                      gym  •  ribbon  •  costume •  gymnastics  •  ball  •  live

                           excited  •  jumping  •  helmet  •  shoes  •  doing

             My name is Chimlin, I                            in Thailand. My favourite sport is

                                   . Right now I am                    gymnastics at the                    .

             Today I’ve got a long                       . Sometimes I’ve got a big                         .

             I am                   high. I am                     and happy. When I do this sport,

             I’ve got a ribbon, I wear special                            and a special

             but I don’t wear a                       .

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