Page 75 - 881828_Be Happy cwiczenia_kl3
P. 75

2. Uzupełnij tekst na podstawie wskazówek i rysunku.

            1. Canada, go, sports school

            2. skate, Mondays, Wednesdays
            3. ice skates, special uniform

            4. always, play tennis, Tuesdays, Thursdays
            5. rackets, balls, special shoes

            6. sometimes, meet friends, Fridays
            7. always, ski, Saturdays, Sundays

            8. wearing, skis, gloves, goggles, and a helmet
            9. ski slope, my friends

            10. skis, expensive, light, black
            11. relax, have fun

            12. very popular in Canada

            1. My name is Leo, I’m                                       and I                              .

            2. I always                                                                                     .

            3. I have got                                                                                   .

            4. I                                                                                            .

            5. We have got                                                                                  .

            6. I                                                                                            .

            7. But I                                                                   because I love it.

            8. Today is Sunday. I’m                                                                         .

            9. I am                                                                                         .

            10. My                                                                                          .

            11. I                                                                                           .

            12. Winter sports                                                                               .

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